Welcome to Great Hope Ministries




Kampala Uganda

Great Hope Ministries is a Ugandan indigenous Church based Organization committed to Evangelism, Education, AND empowering the body of Christ to fulfill the great Commission. GHM was founded in 2004 and has been a great encouragement and linking agent to many ministries and organizations worldwide, connecting kingdom people to kingdom people, networking kingdom resources with kingdom needs. While at the same time making disciples and planting Churches.


GHM is committed to reaching the lost for Christ, using all possible means, methods, and skills. The gospel is much more needed in this generation than ever before. As it was said by our Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 24:4-7) and the Apostle Paul (II Timothy 3:1-5), this is the time for serious believers to be serious evangelists. Every day more people die without Christ, the global hope for earthly remedies to human problems overshadows Biblical reality. The truth is that people are harassed like sheep without a shepherd as stated by our Lord Jesus Christ (Matt: 9:36… “because they were distressed and scattered, as sheep not having a shepherd.”) If we can ask ourselves how many of our neighbors are looking for the Christ of the Bible? People have questions and are seeking for answers which only Jesus can provide.


Education is key to the development of all kinds. GHM is committed to establishing primary, secondary, and vocational skills training Schools. This for the purpose of giving the vulnerable children a new hope and solid foundation for their future and thus help to spread the gospel through education. In order to adequately provide quality education we look beyond classroom teaching and giving a child all that is needed to enable them to study. This includes Meals during school hours, Bible knowledge to help them be spiritually developed, home-based support to help them live a conducive life at home, and life skills to equip them at an early childhood stage.


Empowering the body of Christ to fulfill the great Commission, empowering communities towards self-sufficiency, and empowering leaders of the next generation. The Church is a refuge for people who in need. It plays a big role in providing home-based care and services to the needy especially the sick, orphans, widows, elderly, Disabled, the economically poor, and less privileged. Unfortunately, the wide body of the Church though it is so committed to doing what it is called for as followers of Christ and as ambassadors of Christ in the world, lack of skill and finances has crippled the efforts of the Church. This is where GHM feels the calling to intervene. We focus on helping grassroots community/church-based organizations to be able to reach their intended goals.

Service Projects

Learn about our service projects that are planting churches, supporting local missions, building a water well, building a children’s home with a school and vocational training center, and many other projects.  

Even a small contribution becomes a part of a big change.

Tell us how you can help

Whoever gives to the poor will lack nothing. — Proverbs 28:27

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy. — Proverbs 31:8-9

The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed. — Proverbs 11:25

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